Portland Art Museum
Web Design

This website redesign caters to the casual museum goer. They enjoy the art, but they wouldn’t consider themselves an expert, and they really desire an easy way to explore and learn more about art. This redesign really focused on making exploration central to the user experience and simplified the interface to allow the art to shine.

The guiding thought for this project was to encourage exploration and let the art speak for itself. The photographs are a central part of the design to encourage the user to explore the events, exhibits, and art featured at the museum. The navigation is fairly simple so that the website does not feel overwhelming. Most of the important information (hours, tickets, events, current exhibits) is all on the very first page and doesn’t even require a scroll. The gallery on the bottom was an important part of the design as it encourages exploration without having any goal in mind.

For the art page, the focal point is the images of the art so that the viewer can really appreciate the piece and its details. Beneath the piece is recommended media and related pieces to encourage further exploration and learning about the arts. The search bar is designed to offer ways to spark curiosity and search through the online gallery without knowing exactly what you are looking for.


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